Cumulus Green 2024


Thais Russomano

Prof. Thais Russomano, MD MSc PhD has +30 yr of experience in Aerospace Medicine, Space Physiology, Telemedicine & Digital Health. She is an MD from Brazil, specialised in internal medicine, has an MSc in Aerospace Medicine (USA) and PhD in Space Physiology from King’s College London (UK). She worked for 3 years as a researcher at DLR, Germany, before establishing and coordinating the Microgravity Centre, PUCRS-Brazil for 18 years. She is academically linked to several universities worldwide, is an Elected Academician of the International Academy of Aviation and Space Medicine, and the International Academy of Astronautics (Board of Trustees). Thais is a Board Member of companies, holds patents related to Space Sciences, has numerous scientific publications and has acted as a voluntary Mentor for Space4Women, an initiative of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs. She participated in ESA parabolic flight campaigns (2000 & 2006), is a member of ESA Topical Teams and participates in NASA funded projects. In 2021, through InnovaSpace and in partnership with a pharmaceutical company, she participated in research at the ISS (Japanese Kibo module). Thais also cts as an educator, researcher and consultant in projects of ESA, NASA, DLR, PT Space, AEB-Brazil, InnovateUK, BlueAbyss, Optmal Cities UK, International Space University, Prog Oportunidades, El Salvador. Thais is co-founder & CEO of InnovaSpace (UK), a company dedicated to the education, research and innovation of human space exploration, aviation medicine and digital health applied to extreme environments.