Cumulus Green 2024

Competition Participation Rules

Notification to Winners and Confidentiality

The winners of the competition are the student (s) of the Cumulus member institution that submitted the project. The winners and their home Cumulus member institutions will be notified by email in October 2024 of their prize category award and/or honorary mentions. The winner(s) will need to confirm the acceptance of the award and those student(s) involved in the winning projects. Failing such confirmation within a period of 7 days from Cumulus making contact, the entrant(s) selected will be considered to have simply relinquished the prize and it may be awarded to another entrant with no reward for those deemed to have relinquished it. The public announcement will of the winners will be made through digital channels in October 2024 and will be followed with an online exhibition of the winning submissions and honorary mentions.

Public Award Announcement

Winning submissions will be unveiled in October 2024 to coincide with the Cumulus Monterrey 2024 conference (October 16-18, 2024). Winners will be notified in early October and included in a global press release that Cumulus will be disseminating widely.

Remittance Monetary Award

Cumulus will issue the monetary prize award (for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize categories) to the winner(s) by name(s) shortly after the winners are notified in October 2024. The award is non transferable. In the case of a student team winning, the monetary award is transmitted to the lead submission entrant. He/she will be responsible for any further transactions to disseminate the award to other team members. The award may not be altered, exchanged or reimbursed. The value of the award is determined at the time of writing these rules and it may not be disputed in any way with regard to its valuation or amount. The award may not be the subject of any request for financial compensation not provided for, any exchange or any return for any reason whatsoever.