Gonzalo Muñoz
Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, TriCiclos, High-Level Climate Action Champion UN Climate Change Conference COP25
Gonzalo Muñoz has been appointed High-Level Climate Action Champion UN Climate Change Conference COP25 (2019). Gonzalo is the co-founder and Executive president of TriCiclos, the first company to receive B-Corp certification in South America. TriCiclos is an engineering circular economy BCorp focused on consumer good processes, services and products. They believe waste is nothing but an error of design, that can and must be solved.
As a business entrepreneur and social change-maker, Gonzalo is serving as Chile’s High-Level Climate Action Champion for the UN Climate Change Conference, COP25. Gonzalo is the winner of numerous awards and prestigious fellowships including: 2011 Chilean national innovation award in environment; Ashoka fellow (since 2011), Schwab Foundation fellow (since 2014), 2012 Chilean environmental person of the year; 2013 Chilean social entrepreneur; Endeavor entrepreneur (since 2014); 2015 World Economic Forum Social entrepreneur of the year; 2016 BMW foundation global responsible leader; 2016 Chilean CEO leader in sustainability and 2019 Circulars Winner, an annual award of the World Economic Forum.
Gonzalo serves on a number of boards focused on the circular economy and sustainable business. He is the co-founder and former president of the board of Sistema B; former board member at Blab USA; co- founder and president of the board at Viña Polkura; and Member of the New Plastics Economy advisory panel at the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.